Volunteer at Oaks Parish

At Oaks Parish, we desire to offer our time, talent, and treasure for the work of God’s Kingdom! One of the ways we do this is through serving each other on Sunday mornings. Many hands come together to prepare our space for worship and disciple our community. Below is an outline of all the ways you can offer your time and talent to serve the community on Sundays. 

Setup Team

Create an environment of worship on Sunday mornings! Working in teams of two, setup volunteers place signs outside, prepare communion, and record offering and attendance data, as well as putting things back in place after the service. Due to the nature of our equipment, the ability to lift 30 pounds is helpful. Setup volunteers arrive approximately 1 hour before the service and begin teardown immediately following the service. Setup volunteers serve on a team approximately every 4-6 weeks.


Welcome Team

Set a tone of hospitality for attendees as they enter the service on Sunday morning. Welcome volunteers work in teams of two to greet people, hand out worship guides, and help check-in kids for their discipleship classes. Welcome volunteers arrive at 9:15am to fold worship guides and setup the OP Kids check-in station, and serve on a team approximately every 4-6 weeks.



Lead the congregation in joyful singing to the Lord on Sunday mornings! Musicians work in teams to assemble and practice a worship music set and lead the congregation on Sunday morning. All musical instruments and talents are welcome. Many music teams practice mid-week and arrive for rehearsal and sound check on Sunday morning at 8:30am. Musical experience is helpful, but not essential. Musicians serve on a team approximately once per month.


OP Kids

Share the love of Christ with the youngest in our community! OP Kids volunteers disciple children during the sermon by playing games, telling stories, and making crafts. OP Kids uses volunteers as both teachers and helpers. Teachers are sent the curriculum a week in advance to prep the lesson and activities; they also setup/cleanup the classroom and lead the class. Helpers assist with setup/cleanup and leading activities during the class time. Teachers and helpers can choose to volunteer with Sprouts (ages 3-5) or Saplings (1st-4th grade). OP Kids volunteers serve on a team approximately once a month.


Tech Team

Increase accessibility to our service as a tech volunteer! Work in teams of two to setup equipment, run sound for practice and the service, and run slides and the live stream. A/V experience is not required, training on our system will be provided! Due to the nature of our gear, the ability to lift 30 pounds is helpful. Tech volunteers serve on a team approximately once a month.