It Takes a Parish to Raise a Child

kids of different ages talking

We are committed to being a church that supports and equips parents in raising their children to be followers of Christ. This means we all are intentionally involved in our children’s spiritual formation as a body of believers at each stage of life. Raising children to follow Jesus isn't a solo act by parents - but something we all get to join as extended family.

Learn more about our strategic plan for children’s discipleship here, including our guide for children’s membership.

Read below to learn more about our hopes for each age. If you still have questions after reading, feel free to reach out to Sasha Cox, Director of OP Kids.

kids crafts and learning

Pre-K to Kindergarten

We love our littles! We want them to learn and sing the stories of the Bible, and experience the love of Jesus through the extended family at Oaks Parish. This happens at home in family devotions, in community on Sunday morning at Sprouts, and through experiencing the beauty of church calendar and holy rituals like Easter and Lent.

1st to 5th Grade

Elementary school is a formative time in our kids' lives - so most of all we hope that they begin to understand how Jesus personally saves them. Even as they grow in their knowledge of the Bible, participate in weekly Sunday liturgy and Saplings class, build relationships within the extended family of Oaks Parish, and start to join acts of service, we most of all want them to experience the Gospel in their own life.


Middle School &
High School

Middle schools is often an inflection point where faith becomes personal - especially when experiencing God's grace in a moment of personal failure. Middle schools is when formative rhythms of daily devotions, group discipleships, and serving in the weekly liturgy begin.

We celebrate our high-schoolers moving out into the world as followers of Jesus. We hope that they have built habits of daily devotion, are deeply engaged in community at Oaks Parish,
and can tell their own story of grace.

We want to be both a safe place for asking the big questions, and a home base for growing service and love for Portland. And then we hope to launch them as adults and disciple-making followers of Jesus!

Middle school students participate in catechism class every other Sunday during the sermon. In addition, 6th-12th grade students are invited to at least one monthly gathering for faith and fellowship. If you have any questions about student ministry, reach out to Matt Jolley, Director of OP Students.

Sunday Morning

Acorns children's ministry


Ideal for children starting to explore group play and needing close guidance. They enjoy simple activities like sorting shapes, Play-doh, and listening to stories, even if they don’t fully understand them. *Please note, for safety reasons, your child must be able to navigate stairs independently. Typical age range is 2-3 years old.

Sprouts children's ministry


Perfect for children becoming more independent. They can follow simple instructions (like raising their hand and standing in line), engage in crafts like gluing and coloring, and enjoy imaginative play and sharing their thoughts during storytime.  Typical age range is 4 years old to Kindergarten.

Saplings children's ministry
middle school student ministry


Great for kids who are expressing themselves more and understanding social rules. They appreciate fairness, enjoy nuanced stories, and engage in structured activities like complex games, role play, and crafts with scissors and beads. Typical age range is 1st-5th grade.

Middle School Catechism

Designed for children ready for deeper discussions and critical thinking. They enjoy reading the scriptures and discussing them in depth with their peers. Typical age range is 6th-8th grade. Catechism meets every other Sunday morning.

family worship

Family Worship Rhythms

Our children learn the most about the Gospel from what happens at home. As parents, we can create devotional rhythms that provide a place to teach our children the Gospel and draw hearts together in following Jesus. We've pulled together resources for ordinary time family devotions, and also special resources for church holy seasons like Lent, Easter, and Advent.


Almighty God, heavenly Father, you have blessed our church with the joy and care of children: Give us calm strength and patient wisdom as we bring them up, that we may teach them to love whatever is just and true and good, following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


kids discipleship class
middle school discipleship
children playing
kid's class