To Abide in Christ Jesus for the Renewal of All Things
Quotes for Reflection
Dane C. Ortland, Deeper
Those who collapse into him in repentance and faith are united to himjoined to him-one with him. This, and not the doctrine of justification or reconciliation or adoption or any other important biblical teaching-is the controlling center, according to the New Testament, of what it means to be a Christ. The New Testament refers to our being united to Christ over two hundred times. That overages out to about one reference per page in many Bible layouts.
Jeremiah Burroughs, The Saint’s Treasury
From Christ as from a fountain sanctification flows into the souls of the saints: their sanctification comes not so much from their struggling, and endeavors, and vows, and resolutions, as it comes flowing to them from their union with him.
James Stewart, A Man in Christ
Christ is the redeemed man’s new environment. He has been lifted out of the cramping restrictions of his earthly lot into a totally different sphere, the sphere of Christ. He has been transplanted into a new soil and a new climate, and both soil and climate are Christ. His spirit is breathing a nobler element. He is moving on a loftier plane.
Isaiah 61:3 (NRSV)
They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, to display his glory.
Application Questions
1. Jesus describes our the actions of our Heavenly Father as the “vinegrower.” In what ways does this shape your view of God?
2. Why does union with Christ lead to obedience? How have you seen this true in your own life?
3. Identify one haunting fear in your life this week. How does union with Christ drive out that fear?