Sermon: The King’s Discernment

Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 27:1-12; 28:1-2

Quotes for Reflection

Tim Chester, 1 Samuel for You
The state of our hearts is often shaped by what we say to our hearts.

A.W. Pink, The Life of David
Alas, when unbelief dominates us, God is forgotten, and deliverance, our own ease, obsess the mind; and hence it is that—unless divine grace interpose—we seek relief in the wrong quarter and by unspiritual means.

Richard D. Phillips, 1 Samuel
It is true—no, it is a glorious truth—that the heroes of the Bible, excepting Jesus Christ, are all scoundrels and criminals, breakers of God’s law and sinners to the core. This shows the Bible’s honesty; no other religious tome dares to display the human weakness and sins of its heroes the way the Bible does, because the Bible is not trusting in man but in God.

Application Questions

1. David was concerned not only for himself but also for the welfare of family, friends, and others entrusted to him. How does this resonate with your own experience?

2. In what way might you be tempted to take matters into your own hands right now? What has resulted from that decision in the past, and what does it look like to trust God instead? 

3. How do you need to preach the gospel to yourself this week? 


Sermon: The King’s Counsel


Sermon: Theology of Self