Sermon: A Renewing Faith

Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 12

Quotes for Reflection

C.S. Lewis, Collected Letters
You surely don’t mean feeling that we are not worthy to be forgiven? For of course we aren’t. Forgiveness by its nature is for the unworthy. You mean feeling that we are not forgiven. I have known that. I ‘believed’ theoretically in the divine forgiveness for years before it really came home to me. It is a wonderful moment when it does.

Dane Ortlund, Deeper
At conversation we walk out of the courtroom, but throughout our lives of discipleship we suffer from gospel amnesia and keep walking back in.

1 Samuel for You
Israel’s new start with a new king has foundered because the underlying unbelief and disobedience of humanity in Adam has not changed. We need a king who will not only rescue us from our enemies, but also from ourselves. We need a king who can take on sin and liberate us from our slavery to our sinful desires. We need a king who obeys God in all circumstances, even when put under the pressure of unfavourable circumstances. Saul is not that man. So his kingdom will not endure.

Richard D. Phillips, The Reformed Expository Commentary
There is no situation and no problem in which Christians cannot be blessed by God’s mighty help, if only we will turn to the Lord in sincere faith, humble ourselves before him as our Lord and God, and renew our commitment to walk in his Word. This is the all-purpose solution to every problem, and it works because God is so gracious and ready to receive his erring children as to put his blessing upon our heads. Repentance, faith, and new obedience are the way forward for every Christian from wherever we are, good or bad, right at this moment.

Application Questions

1. Consider a recent failure. What does it tell you about your relationship with God?

2. How does the gospel uniquely enable confession that leads to freedom?

3. Samuel’s description of life-giving faith can be summarized as awareness, reliance, and remembrance. Which of these three elements stands out for you as a means of growing in the gospel this week?


Sermon: By Many or By Few


Podcast Episode 11: Confession, False Gods, and Becoming Learners