Sermon: David After God’s Heart; Saul After David’s Head

Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 23

Quotes for Reflection

Andrew Murray, Waiting on God 
Oh, the blessedness of waiting on such a God! a very present help in every time of trouble; a shield and defense against every danger. Children of God! will you not learn to sink down in entire helplessness and impotence, and in stillness to wait and see the salvation of God? In the utmost spiritual famine, and when death appears to prevail, oh, wait on God. He does deliver, He does keep alive. Say it not only in solitude, but say it to each other— Psalm 33 speaks not of one but of God's people—'Our soul waits on the Lord: He is our help and our shield.' Strengthen and encourage each other in the holy exercise of waiting, that each may not only say it of himself, but of his brethren, 'We have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.' 

Mark Vroegop, Waiting Isn’t a Waste 
Waiting on God is living on what I know to be true about God when I don’t know what’s true about my life. 

Henry Smith 
O Lord, grant that I may dedicate all my hope unto your providence, power, and mercy, only commending all my troubles, miseries, calamities, adversities, and crosses whatsoever unto you only to be relieved and comforted. O let me not so much as think that the hand of man can hold me up in the least of my dangers, and yet my God, since you work sometimes by means, and sometimes without means, let me not refuse the aid of man, whom it may please you to raise and appoint for my good. Amen.  

William Cowper, stanzas 3-5 of “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”
Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, the clouds that you much dread, 
are big with mercy and will break in blessings on your head. 
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but trust him for his grace; 
behind a frowning providence, he hides a smiling face. 
His purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour; 
the bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower. 

Application Questions:

1. Concerning what specific situation in your life is God calling you to seek him? 

2. What truth or promise do you need to cling to for your own encouragement or share with someone else for their encouragement? 

3. How have you experienced God’s providential deliverance from trouble?


Sermon: The King’s Mercy


Sermon: Distressed, Delirious, & Downtrodden