Living Inside a Hope
Scripture Text: Acts 24:1-27
Quotes for Reflection
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Drum Major Instinct”, 02.04.68
Yes, Jesus,I want to be on your right or your left side, (Yes) not for any selfish reason.I want to be on your right or your left side, not in terms of some political kingdom or ambition. ButIjust want to be there in love and in justice and in truth and in commitment to others, so that we can make of this old world a new world.
N.T. Wright, Acts for Everyone
The gospel is all about God putting the world right – his doing so in Jesus, his doing so at the end, and his doing so for individuals in between, as both a sign and a means of what is to come. Luke wants his readers to see the life of the church itself in that same way. We shouldn’t expect a comfortable ride. We shouldn’t imagine that people will leave us alone, will not challenge us as to what we are doing, as to how our faith belongs in the public world.If we are the people in and through whom God is putting into effect the settingright that happened in Jesus, and anticipating the setting-right that will happen at the end, we should expect to see that uncomfortable but necessary setting-right going on all over the place, sometimes in martyrdom and sometimes in vindication and acquittal, as the church makes its way in the world.
Willie James Jennings, Acts: A Theological Commentary
There are two different forms of intellectual life, one that functions as if Jesus’ cross, resurrection, and the coming of the Spirit does not matter and the other fully captured by these world-shattering and life-creating realities.
Application Questions
1. How have you found yourself in an “old world” situation recently?
2. Paul lives inside the hope of the gospel even as he lives inside a prison. What effect does that have in his life?
3. What do you imagine could happen if you lived inside the hope of the gospel this week?