Advent Six Months Later

Scripture Text: Luke 2:1-21

Application Questions

  1. Luke subtly signals the divine reality behind the political power that seemed to be orchestrating the events surrounding Jesus’ birth.Identify the 2 or 3 most significant social/political movements that concern you. Although you won’t know exactly what God is doing, how does knowing his redemptive sovereignty rules all things help you experience peace and love your neighbors?

  2. Over the decades after Christ’s birth and for more than a century after, no one outside the Church understood how God had and was changing the world. How do you see our Savior King moving in the world around you?

  3. The True King has a better “dogma”than Caesar. How does Jesus’ Kingdom give us better rules to live by than the kingdoms of this world? How do live for him according to his ways in the world as it is?

  4. How does living for Christ in the world make you a sojourner? What’s freeing and what’s challenging about that kind of life?

  5. If you’re a Christian, your primary allegiance is to Christ and his Kingdom. That makes you part of the “resistance.” What parts of the world’s ways need your most earnest, even as it’s gracious, resistance? Be specific about your neighborhood, work place, or even your family.


Make Every Effort to be Relatable but Do NOT Compromise the Truth of the Gospel


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