A Tale of Two Cities
Scripture Text: Acts 17:1-15
Quotes for Reflection
NT Wright, Simply Christian
“Living with ‘the authority of scripture,’ then, means living in the world of the story which scripture tells. All this means that we are called to be people who learn to hear God’s voice speaking today within the ancient text, and who become vessels of that living word in the world around us.”
Jaroslav Pelikan, Acts
“The example of these ‘more noble-minded’ Jews at the synagogue in Beroea, ‘who every day...studied the scriptures to check whether it was true,’ would appear to be not only commended here on its own account, but also recommended as a model for Christian believers to follow.”
Karl Barth, “The Strange New World within the Bible,” in The Word of God and the Word of Man
“We have found in the Bible a new world, God, God’s sovereignty, God’s glory, God’s incomprehensible love. Not the history of man but the history of God! Not the virtues of men but the virtues of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light! Not human standpoints but the standpoint of God.”