Discipleship at Oaks Parish

Discipleship is an integral part of our vision at Oaks Parish to abide in Christ Jesus for the renewal of all things. As you learn to remain in the love of Christ, imagine what unfolds...

  • You come to enjoy a quiet heart, strengthened and settled because it finds it security in the love of Christ. 

  • You hear and respond to God as he speaks his love over your life and invites you into His abundance.

  • You bear the fruit of the Spirit, his character and spirit becoming your character and spirit, leading you to become a blessing to those around you.

At Oaks Parish we offer formative rhythms of discipleship to support you in this pursuit of abiding in Christ, including Discipleship Groups (between September and May), the Abide Retreat (every spring), and Summer Reading Groups (June through August).

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship groups are the place within our ministry where people can learn what it means to abide in Christ more fully - to enjoy a quiet heart, hear and respond to God, and bear the fruit of the Spirit. We offer mens and women’s groups comprised of 4-6 people. These groups are meant to be places where participants can lay burdens down, carry the load together, and look to Christ. Discipleship groups will launch the week of September 22nd, so click here to sign up today!

For more information, please contact Bryan Buck or Karen Howells.

Abide Retreat

If you need spiritual respite, meaningful time away - alone or with your spouse - or a place to process how God is working in your life, save the date to join us Abide Retreat at Mt. Angel Abbey August 1-3, 2025.

Group opportunities, time for personal solitude, instruction for spiritual practice, and individual spiritual direction sessions will be available. Due to the nature of the retreat, this is an event for adults.

Registration is currently closed. Stay tuned for future announcements!