Connect With Our Community
Morning Prayer
Click here to join us online every Wednesday at 6:30am to pray together for our community and beyond.
OP Students Gathering 3/16
6th-12th grade students are invited to this month’s gathering on Sunday, March 16th. The group will meet at Grand Central for bowling. Time TBD. Contact Matt with any questions.
Special Congregational Meeting 4/6
Members, please mark your calendars for a brief meeting directly following the service on Sunday, April 6th where we will elect elders to our Parish Leadership Team.
Lent Resources for Families
Activities and resources to engage with your children during Lent will be available this Sunday at the OP Kids check-in desk. Pick up a packet on Sunday so you can begin at the start of Lent!
Meal Train for Jacksons
Show your love and support for Sean and Lori Jackson by providing a meal, following Lori's surgery on March 11th. Click here to sign up!
Lent Lunches
While fasting is a common practice during Lent, Sundays during this season are typically considered feast days - like little Easters, celebrating the resurrection with joy and rejoicing! We encourage you to plan to feast with others in the community on Sundays at lunch or dinner. Meet at your favorite spot or invite others to your home and enjoy feasting together.
Robbins Family Housing Need & Prayer Update
Click here to read the latest prayer update from our missional partners, Daniel and Bethany Robbins. In addition, they are searching for housing during their two-week summer visit to the Portland area in July or August (dates are flexible, but at least 10 days are needed). If you know of any available furnished housing with 1 double and 3 single beds during this time, please contact Lori Jackson.
Easter Choir
Come lift your voice! The Oaks Parish vocal group will rehearse after the service on April 6th and 13th, and then sing during the service on Easter Sunday, April 20th. If you've enjoyed singing with others in the past, this might be for you! Some music reading ability/prior choral experience will be helpful. Contact Director of Music, Alex Wenig, for more info.