Sermons in this Series
Coming Home to Who We Are
September 12, 2021
John 15:1-11
1. We are made in the image of God. How is that a different starting point that how you’ve thought about yourself?
2. Abiding with Christ leads clarity and joy. How would that make a difference in your life right now?
3. Consider meditating on John 15:1-11 every day this month. What is God revealing to you?
Enjoying a Quiet Heart
September 19, 2021
John 15:1-11
1. For you personally what is the difference between worldly feelings and soulful feelings?
2. Make a list of your attachments and desires and to each of them say, “Deep down in my heart I know that even after I get you will not get happiness.” What do you find happens in your heart as a result?
3. What does “slow yourself down” mean for your life with Jesus this week?
Listening & Responding
September 26, 2021
John 15:1-11
1. How have you experienced God’s kairos moments in your life?
2. How would your life change if you expected Jesus, living and active, to show up day-in and day-out?
3. Use the learning circle to consider how God might be speaking to you this week. How is he leading you in a new direction?
Bearing Fruit
October 3, 2021
John 15:1-11
1. Consider the difference between what David Brooks calls “eulogy accolades” and “accomplishment accolades.” How do you want your life described in the end?
2. Revisit Galatians 5:16-26 this week. How do you sense God pruning away the deadness in your heart? What spiritual fruit would grow as a result of his care?
3. Take a few minutes this week to practice the Examen of Consciousness. Note how this can help you abide with Christ and bear the fruit of his Spirit.